
New Pokemon GO avatars are so ugly players are quitting the game

 New Pokemon GO avatars are so ugly players are quitting the game

If poor developer decisions and a lack of engaging content weren’t enough for players to quit Pokémon GO, recent changes to playable avatars might be the straw that breaks the Camerupt’s back. The “Rediscover Pokémon GO” campaign aims to freshen up the seven-year-old game with fancy location-based graphics, new AR features, and a long-awaited update to player customization. The campaign’s first phase recently introduced brand-new models for player characters, which, unfortunately, look like they’ve crawled out of the depths of our nightmares.

While these new customization options offer long-requested features like hairstyles and body types, they come at the cost of every player looking like they’ve crawled straight out of Bloodborne. Whether it’s the unsettling faces, disproportionately long bodies, or clipping issues with clothing, Niantic has somehow managed to downgrade avatars already below the industry standard.

Needless to say, the /r/PokemonGO subreddit has had a field day of complaints, confusion, and, of course, memes. At the time of writing, the titles of some top posts on the subreddit include: Many of these posts include side-by-side screenshots showcasing their avatar’s downgrade, while others got their creative juices flowing with some hilarious photoshops. One of the most upvoted posts, submitted by user Entire_pinapple4732, pointed out that wearing a skirt and leaving a small Pokémon in a Gym will allow players to, ahem, stare into the abyss, so to speak.

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