
Blizzard may bring back PTRs for upcoming Diablo 4 seasons

 Blizzard may bring back PTRs for upcoming Diablo 4 seasons

In a new interview from Windows Central with Rod Fergusson, the Diablo franchise lead, it seems like Blizzard may bring back PTRs for upcoming Diablo 4 seasons. This is due to the overall success of the Season 4 PTR held on April 2-9.

Diablo 4 PTRs may be coming back for future seasons

This interview with Rod Fergusson on Windows Central gives Diablo 4 players a good glimpse into the franchise lead’s favorite season, Blizzard’s approach to microtransactions, and the future of PTRs. The Season 4 Public Test Realm was available for a week and gave players a feel for what Season 4 would offer in terms of gameplay changes, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive.

While this PTR only lasted a week, players regretted returning to Season 3 because of how enjoyable Season 4’s PTR was. When asked about if we can expect a PTR for each Season update, Fergusson had this to say:

…we can pretty much guarantee that every season we’re gonna have that conversation. Is it going to be in our best interest to get people playing earlier? And getting that feedback? Or is it better to surprise and delight with, Hey, here’s a new theme you didn’t know is coming? We’ve been really happy with this Season for PTR.

This is an excellent sign for fans of the PTR because this means that Blizzard is going to think about launching a PTR for each upcoming Season. Fergusson also stated that there were both pros and cons to a PTR since Season 4 required a lot more feedback than usual, but there’s good that can come out of the surprise of a new Season’s launch too.

Although we know that Blizzard may bring back PTRs for upcoming Diablo 4 seasons, we’re still in the dark about whether or not Season 4’s theme will be centered around the Iron Wolves.

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