
Metaphor: ReFantazio places big twists on social links and romance

 Metaphor: ReFantazio places big twists on social links and romance

Metaphor: ReFantazio is the next project from the Persona development team, but this fantasy RPG won’t copy Persona’s social systems exactly.

Metaphor’s release date was finally revealed — October 11, 2024, on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox — and the development team shared more information about the game in a livestream as well. Metaphor: ReFantazio still has some of Persona’s social mechanics, but there’s one glaring omission: romance.

Metaphor: ReFantazio won’t feature romance of any kind between the protagonist and the supporting cast. That doesn’t mean that the Social Link system from Persona is absent entirely, but you sadly won’t be able to date anyone during your Metaphor playthrough.

The Social Link system from Persona does appear in Metaphor in a slightly different capacity, however. Instead of leveling up a Social Link and obtaining minor buffs and bonuses as you upgrade your Bond level with your allies, you’ll unlock Archetypes by inspiring your party members in Metaphor. These are essentially jobs or classes like Mage, Thief, and Seeker that unlock new abilities during combat.

Metaphor: ReFantazio will still feature a calendar system like the Persona games do, so you’ll still need to manage your time and decide who you want to hang out with. It’s unclear what types of bonuses you’ll get from upgrading your Bonds outside of Archetypes, and not every character will have a Social Link-style Bond storyline just like in Persona.

Metaphor: ReFantazio definitely pays homage to its Persona and SMT roots, but this is clearly a brand new direction for an RPG from the Persona team. More information will be revealed about the game as we get closer to launch (which is just a few short months away now), so stay tuned for more Metaphor updates. If you need a game to scratch that Persona itch in the meantime, then Persona 3 Reload is a faithful recreation of the classic RPG with new additions that really make a difference. Plus, the Episode Aigis DLC will arrive shortly before Metaphor’s release date.

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