
Moon Studios plans to add a farming update to No Rest for the Wicked

 Moon Studios plans to add a farming update to No Rest for the Wicked

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Moon Studios has a lot of updates planned for No Rest for the Wicked during Early Access, one of them being plans to add a farming update. This will be good for players who are concerned about the amount of healing items available.

No Rest for the Wicked will receive a farming update in the future

Thomas Mahler, the CEO and creative director at Moon Studios, responded to a Twitter/X reply asking about the more chill aspects of this action RPG. The conversation suggested the idea of being able to sit at the bar in the Inn and drink, but it led to Mahler revealing Moon Studios’ plans to add a farming update to No Rest for the Wicked.

Mahler announced that NRFTW will get a big farming update sometime in the future, allowing you to purchase a farmhouse with farmland in Sacrament. You’ll be able to plant seeds and grow crops that yield ingredients that you can find throughout the open world. This will make it a lot easier to create higher-tier foods with ingredients like potatoes and tomatoes.

With the mention of farmhouses, we can possibly expect animal husbandry to raise animals for resources like milk, meat, or eggs. This would create a nice balance between the arduous combat encounters and the simple crafting and resource management in Sacrament.

Since NRFTW was just recently released, I wouldn’t expect this update to arrive anytime soon. We’re not yet sure how long this action RPG will be in Early Access, and since the roadmap promises multiplayer and a new area called “The Breach” first, we may not see this within the year 2024.

Nevertheless, as someone who loves both cozy farming games and difficult action games, this is exciting news. In other good news, the NRFTW developers are already listening to player feedback and constantly implementing hotfixes as we speak.

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